Your domain name is your address on the internet. Something easy to spell and say and remember is best, totally unlike
And don’t worry about trying to use ‘keywords’ in your domain, Google got smarter than that long ago.
Check if yours is available at or
I can register it or you can
It’s best if you register your own domain – this way you’ll have no hassles if you ever want to change your web host or designer.
But I can certainly do it for you. You’ll still be the registered owner and I’ll give you all the details you need to access or transfer it if Maxshmax Design ever gets hit by a bus.
.COM names are traditionally the best
People will try first if they’re guessing your address.
But there are tons of others
There are neutral ones like: .NET & .ORG & .TV & .ME, and recently hundreds of industry specific names have been released, like: .BUILD & .YOGA & .TENNIS.
And you may want to consider a country specific domain, .COM.AU for example. It may give people more faith in your site and your business because a registered business name or ABN is generally a requirement.
How many?
You only need one, but you can certainly register two or more domains and point them at your main site if you want to prevent other people using your name.
Having extras won’t bring more visitors.
I charge $40/yr for .COM and .COM.AU domains. (It’s cheaper if you register them yourself.)
The prices of the new industry specific domains vary a lot, let me know if you’d like a quote.