Logo Refresh
Newcastle Brain & Spine
Link: neurosurgeon.asia
Dr Hansen asked me to modernise his website and change some of the wording in his logo, so it was a great time to refresh the logo too!
Here is his original logo:

Dr Hansen is a cutting edge neurosurgeon and wants his visual identity to reflect that, unlike the original logo which looks a bit dated for a few reasons:
- Trajan typeface – as an inscriptional typeface (designed to be etched in stone) it invokes old/historic feelings.
- Use of drop shadow under the graphic.
- Gradients and light reflections in the boxes.
- Rounded corners of boxes.
- Multiple colours.
Here’s an alternate version fixing some of those issues:

And even more modern looking versions:

We settled on a more modern but not too modern version, here it is on a dark background: